For some reason I think I need a picture for every post and I haven't downloaded any pics on the computer for a while. I have wonderful pictures from Easter and our newest little great nephew. He's so very sweet and kissable! I've made cards and a few layouts at a crop last saturday, so we'll see if I can get them posted soon.
I've been "spring cleaning" of sorts. My basement storage room has been driving me crazy for quite some time. So I finally took the time and went thru boxes and boxes of Erica and Tyler's toys and keepsake boxes. Who needs every A paper they every received in school??? As I was going thru the boxes I transferred everything from cardboard boxes to rubber maid totes. I actually like going into the storage room now and just looking at all the totes lined up in a nice row. Everything has labels and dates in them so I know right where everything is. Yup, I know. CRAZY! But it's the small crazy things that keeps this girl happy.
When I was done with the storage room I painted my scrapbook room. I've hated the yellow paint as soon as I was done painting it. But I HATE to paint so I left it hoping against all odds that it would grow on me and I would learn to love it. No such hope. Two years later I still hate it. I decided to go black, white and pink in there this time. The two short walls are still white and I painted the two long walls Verbena pink. Some of the furniture is still white and I painted some pieces black. I LOVE it! It's my new happy place. Now if I just had some free time to spend in there scrapbooking.
While I was at it I decided my blog could use a little sprucing up of its own. I tried a few new looks but didn't find any others that I loved. I think this one might be around for a while tho. I just realized It matches my new scrapbook room colors! LOL I'm really into this new color scheme I guess.
I think my next project will be the laundry room. Although I really should get my regular spring cleaning done to the main part of the house. You can hardly see out my windows! Oh, and the garden needs planted and flowers planted, and a yard sale to get ready for. I guess I'm off to the laundry room to see if there is anything in there I can add to the yard sale.